Digital Marketing Insights

Baking and moderation

While baking with my friend, trying to come up with an awesome recipe to make a profit from, I asked her “If it was not necessary to gain nutrition from what you ate, would you eat sweets all day?” “Hell yea, she

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Algae as a biofuel

Algae, or seaweed, range from single cell to multi-cellular organisms.  Recently, the interest has been in the type of  liquid fat (oil) that can be extracted from certain species.  Algae takes its energy from the sun and converts carbon dioxide to oxygen

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A bleak present

I had a nightmare last night. I was in the future, I think, and I was running away. I couldn’t be caught because I wasn’t a local inhabitant.  It was a bleak future, one where even computers couldn’t be used. They were

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How can I be more "green"?

How can I reuse, recycle? These are the questions I keep asking myself day to day. And after a while, it’s almost subconscious. Here are some of the questions I ask myself when i run into the everyday events: Should I throw

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Ten tips for aspiring entrepreneurs

Recently I began attending a business development workshop hosted by Women 2.0.  On our first class, we had the opportunity to speak with the intelligent and business savvy CEO of, Amra Tareen. She happily answered our questions about starting a business, 

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Fashion troubled post college women?

Right now I’m watching TLC’s “What not to Wear” and the theme seems to be consistent…women who transition from twenties to thirties are unsure how to dress.  I have to confess that I am/was among the confused. And it’s hard because I

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The use of Social Media by Social Entrepreneurs

This is from a guest blog post I wrote and which can be seen at  I’ve re-posted it here to share the links. Recently I have been researching social entrepreneurship and wanted to highlight how social entrepreneurs use social media to

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