Why use facebook?
Why not? Its traffic surpassed that of google’s last year, millions of people are logged into it everyday!

How to use facebook for business:

Developing a facebook page for business is a great way to share your website’s links with others and your customers.  Let your customers know they can contact you through facebook by adding a link to your email signatures. Having a custom landing page with a link back to your site, promotions, an action item, or an email form is a great way to get likers to engage with your brand more.

Once everyone has joined you on facebook, don’t abandon them, update them at least once per day with articles, questions, promotions, news, and more.  Have fun with your followers, don’t leave them hanging.

Facebook Advertising – the largest network now has sponsored ads showing up according to people’s likes and interests.  Gain visibility by setting up facebook advertising.  Facebook already has all its user data collected, all you have to do is tailor your ads to them.  Don’t forget to a tag line an image that captures their attention!

If your business is located somewhere they can check in to using facebook places, claim the location after searching for it and customize it with information!

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