The best web development services in Santa Cruz, CA. Do you live or work or own a business in Santa Cruz?   Vab Media is a full service web solutions firm providing: Website design and developmentSEO Servicessocial media managementtutorials to meet the needs of individuals, local businesses, and nonprofit organizations in Santa Cruz, CA.


Whether your business needs to launch a new website, give a face lift to an old design, or make your current site more mobile phone friendly and productive, we can help you reach your goals. Our innovative and experienced staff can handle all the design aspects and technical work for your project.

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Contact us for consultation or a quote or call 831 205-0164.  


We like to develop websites for our clients that use customized (CMS).

Content Management Systems help to accomplish a number of tasks, which otherwise would require a full-time team of website developers. Thanks to a CMS, anyone with basic word processing skills can be taught to easily manage and handle a any large-scale website with having to know code.

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SEO services in Santa Cruz, CA.

Web design Services in Santa Cruz, CA.

Social media services in Santa cruz, CA.