Why ChatGPT isn’t your content creation savior

You don’t need me to tell you that ChatGPT is sweeping the globe.

Microsoft’s $10 billion investment in OpenAI has put other major tech players—Amazon and Google chief among them—on notice.

And while we definitely want you to embrace AI in your content strategy, It fails to replicate the human emotion component that’s essential for marketing.

You need more than just an AI bot to handle your content strategy.

So, if you want high-quality content that drives traffic, leads, and conversions, click here to book a call with one of our growth specialists.

But first, let’s comb through the disadvantages -and even advantages – of AI Writing Tools.

It seems like in the span of a few short months, AI Tools started popping up out of the wazoo. Some that have emerged and gained traction include DALLE, Midjourney, Codex, Stable Diffusion, Email AI,  AI Browser extensions, and of course the subject of this article, ChatGPT, just to name a few.

Source: Twitter @bentossell

These tools, especially AI Writing Tools, have an appeal that makes it easy to understand why many would want to incorporate it into marketing copy, journalism, or University papers.

They function similarly in which AI Image software such as MidJourney operates; you type and enter a prompt or subject matter and the machine algorithm will sort through and compile content scattered throughout the internet to form a final product of somewhat original content.

As seemingly advanced as ChatGPT is, it’s not perfect. It lacks a human oversight and depth that lends a quality of monotony that even the most casual of readers can pick up.

Text produced by ChatGPT is similar to hearing someone speak with no distinction in tonal qualities, no facial expressions, or hand gestures – just dry and emotionless. ChatGPT has been criticized for creating content that lacks expression and meaning. This hollowness in written language is also accompanied by the lack of idioms, similies, and metaphors on which AI hasn’t developed a firm grip yet.

Anyone who frequents Reddit may have likely come across the popular subreddit, r/iamverysmart, which pokes fun at unique individuals who boast of superior intellect compared to the majority of the human population. They can usually back this up with lengthy paragraphs that incorporate big words and concepts that the rest of us feeble-minded oafs will never comprehend.

Source: Reddit u/ErwinAckerman

Sarcasm aside, AI Content Writing Tools regurgitate pieces of text that are not only fluff but provide little to no insight.

Software of this nature also has the tendency to fib. According to a cited study conducted by several University researchers, ChatGPT may provide information that’s long and detailed, even neutral and unbiased but at the expense of fabricating untruths. However, machine learning is constant and ChatGPT will attempt to reverse inconsistencies in data and information.

Source: Twitter @BarnhurstKent

Now that we have gotten the scathing criticism out of the way, we’re not telling you to forsake all AI writing tools altogether. They can certainly streamline the creative process of brainstorming content marketing material. There’s also promise in using it in the early stages of client consultation with chatbots before clients can receive more comprehensive assistance with human representatives.

If you choose to incorporate it into either your personal or marketing practices, you’ll have to train your eyes a little harder to catch and edit inconsistencies.

Not to mention effective writing whether it be articles or copywriting requires thorough research. Your workflow will be a tad smoother by compiling legitimate sources beforehand and applying them to your text as opposed to doing fact-checking after.

This is especially true in academic settings since plagiarism is prevalent and best believe teachers and professors are cracking down or at the very least learning how to adapt to this volatile technology.

ChatGPT caused upheaval in NYU’s campus, leaving the faculty in a conundrum that will take years to completely smooth out. Published by their campus newspaper, Washington Square News, NYU adrministrators have not yet come up with universal guidelines but some professors are allowing students to use ChatGPT in their assignments with certain caveats (ex. Students are required to explain how it was used or provide personal details the program wouldn’t know) while some have the liberty to reject it altogether by requiring students to complete essays in class or screen papers using anti-plagarism programs such as AI Classifier, made by ChatGPT’s Open AI.

Source: Twitter @GraceAI382236563

To sum it all up, ChatGPT and other programs of the same nature are dual and can be used for good – and not so good – depending on how it’s utilized. Not that much different from social media if you think about it; a great tool to spread information and promote as long as you use your due diligence. Despite what many skeptics may believe, ChatGPT won’t break the internet – or put people out of jobs anytime soon. 

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